
Problems of Buying a refurbished / reconditioned / refreshed rear axle beam

Very often the problem of Peugeot Citroen rear axle beam appears unexpectedly. In most cases, the owner of the car, carrying a small repair, is faced with a serious problem, which is not scheduled the appropriate time and budget. Complicating the situation by the fact that the vehicle is on a pit or hoist and the owner of the shop does not want to keep it free. Auto-owner begins to frantically search for a way out, and as an option, it seems to buy a renovated rear beam of used.
In some cases, this is a very convenient option if you are sure of the quality of the restoration. In fact, to ensure a decent quality of restoration, much more difficult than to determine wear unrestored beams. But Marxxon rear axle beams all parts are new manufactured to the original spec factory standard to meet with NCT and DOE requirements.
Very often, the restored reconditioned beams are selling cheap. Reduce price fails due to cheap axle shafts that have not undergone carburizing and hardening. How important is for the rear beam axles, All alxe shafts from Marxxon plant with a hardness of 58 HRC - 63 HRC of its suface and the carburizing depth is 1 mm - 1.5 mm.
The cheapness of the restored beams can be achieved due to a violation of the process of restoration of leverage. The fact that high-quality restoration rear axle beam lever requires the participation of certain equipment that is not available to all, even especially in recent times. If such equipment is available, the cost is not cheap. But Marxxon have these certain equipments manufacturing with ERP, PDM, OA and on-site barcode tracking system.
If you are offered a second-hand lever rear axle beam, not repaired properly, you can define it in the presence of special tools and experience. It is important to check the diameter and the absence of the oval in the seat of the needle bearing, alignment molded plugs and the reliability of their landing. Buying a refurbished / reconditioned / refreshed rear axle beam will makes you upset for the safety and also it will cost you more for repair it in future.
Buying Marxxon new manufactured Peugeot Citroen rear axle beam will make you safe and low cost for future. Marxxon tested their rear axles on road over 80000.00 KM without any problem, Marxxon Machinery want to makes you safe on road with their over 10 years popular Peugeot Citroen rear axle in European market and OEM supplier quality with Marxxon Peugeot Citroen new OE quality manufactured rear axle beam.
For your safety, let’s keep far away from the poor quality unsafe refurbished / reconditioned / refreshed rear axle beams.

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